Practical Leadership - Getting the best out of people
There are 1000’s of books written on leadership, every one telling us about the one best way to lead others.
If there was only one way, that author, whoever it was, would have us all converted to their ultimate quick fire, one sure way to succeed.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, it isn’t that clear cut. Instead of trying to say that Leadership is either black or white and “this is the one way to do it” we understand that it is more of a grey area where everyone has their own unique set of talents. Therefore if Leadership development is to be effective we understand that it needs to vary for different people as they experience and learn different things.
To raise the performance of leaders and managers, we design and deliver practical leadership skills development to encourage everyone to examine their unique leadership style, and to receive feedback from the workplace and other delegates on how they can become more effective. By targeting individual development we also ensure there is a commitment and a desire to achieve real behaviour change, resulting in real business improvements.
We also work to ensure that good ‘follower-ship’ qualities are developed. We understand that not everyone can be the leader all the time. It’s about everyone rolling their sleeves up and making things happen.
Adrem People Development
Jasmine Hollow
Riverside Gardens
YO51 9GB
T & F: 01423 323209